PaymentProcessingModel System Option

The PaymentProcessingModel system option is used to specify whether netFORUM will use the legacy payment processing gateways available in netFORUM or have access to the new payment processing gateways.

The available payment processing gateways are as follows:

In addition, this system option allows you to specify whether you will use a single payment processing gateway or multiple payment processing gateways.

Versions prior to netFORUM 2015.1 continue to use the legacy providers and single processors as configured through the PaymentAPI_eWeb and PaymentAPI_iWeb system options by default.

PaymentProcessingModel System Option

The PaymentProcessingModel system option is used to enable access to the new payment processing gateways available in netFORUM and utilize the multiple payment processing gateways functionality.

This system option has two settings:

  • Single Provider (Legacy) - setting the PaymentProcessingModel system option to this setting provides access to the legacy payment processing gateways and allows one payment processing gateway to be enabled. Selecting this setting uses the payment processors specified in the PaymentAPI_eWeb and PaymentAPI_iWeb system options. This is the value that netFORUM used prior to 2015. This value also makes the credit card gateway (legacy) child form available on the Accounting Setup page.
  • Multiple Providers - setting the PaymentProcessingModel system option to this setting enables access to the new payment processing gateways and allows for multiple payment processing gateways to be enabled in netFORUM. This value also makes the payment gateways child form available on the Accounting Setup page.

Note: This system option should only be set during a netFORUM implementation. Great consideration should be given before modifying the settings for this system option as it will greatly affect how your payments are processed.